— Intended for and used by - Maltsters, Mills, Seed & Grain Industry
Quality Parameters

Quality Parameters

• Foreign grain
• Weed
• Other material
• Broken kernels
• Green kernels
• Thin/Small kernels
• Fusarium affected
Foreign grain
The presence of foreign grains is a measure of quality in the processing of all grains; Cgrain Value™ can be used at intake or in process control. In producing Gluten-Free Oats, the presence of non-oat grains is of extra importance; Cgrain Value™ ensures a high detection rate.
Using Cgrain Value to ensure Gluten-Free Oats
Several weeds can be detected with Cgrain Value™ including bindweed, cleaver, rapeseed wild radish, and wild oats.
Broken kernels
Thanks to Cgrain Value’s™ patented design, providing three views of every kernel, a high detection rate of broken kernels is achieved.
Green kernels
The presence of green kernels is an indicator of uneven maturity and can be detected by Cgrain Value™ more consistently than by manual analysis. Colour perception is highly individual, but Cgrain Value™ analyzes color the same way every time.
Pink (fusarium-affected) barley
The presence of the Fusarium fungus significantly reduces the quality of malting barley. As well as producing toxins, it is suspected to be one of the causes of gushing. The most significant sign of fusarium-affected barley is a pink coloration on the kernel; Cgrain Value™ detects pink color and reliably identifies fusarium by obtaining three views of each kernel.
Using Cgrain Value to test Malting Barley Quality
Other material
Husk, straws, and other unknown objects are ‘other material’.
Sieving analysis / Screenings / Size Measurements
Cgrain Value™ has a unique mirror design that provides three views of every kernel and accurately measures the length as well as the widest and thinnest sides of the grain. Cgrain Value™ can therefore be used as a replacement for sieving.
Using Cgrain Value for Size Measurements
TKW, Thousand kernel weight
Cgrain Value™ counts the kernels and by entering the sample weight in Cgrain Value™, the TKW is calculated.
Color and size measurements can be shown with means and standard deviations as well as with diagrams of the distribution. These measurements are only possible to obtain with image analysis and can be used as new quality indices.